ASTM A268 / A268M UNS S43036

Chemical Properties

Carbon Manganese Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Nickel Chromium Titanium

Mechanical Properties

Tensile Strength, min, ksi [MPa] Yield Strength, min, ksi [MPa] Elongation,A,B in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %
Note A: For tubing smaller than 1/2 in. [12.7 mm] in outside diameter, the elongation values given for strip specimens in table shall apply. Mechanical property requirements do not apply to tubing smaller than 1/8 in. [3.2 mm] in outside diameter or with walls thinner than 0.015 in. [0.4 mm]
Note B: For longitudinal strip tests a deduction of 0.90 % for TP446–1 and S 44735 and 1.00 % for all other grades shall be made from the basic minimum elongation for each 1/32 in. [0.8 mm] decrease in wall thickness below 5/16 in. [8 mm]. The following table gives the computed minimum values
