ASTM A743 / A743M UNS J92710

Chemical Properties

Carbon, max Manganese, max Silicon Phosphorus, max Sulfur, max Chromium Nickel Columbium
Note A: UNS J92710 shall have a columbium content of not less than eight times the carbon content and not more than 1.0%. If a columbium-plus-tantalum alloy in the approximate Cb:Ta ratio of 3:1 is used for stabilizing this grade, the total columbium-plus-tantalum content shall not be less than nine times the carbon content and shall not exceed 1.1%.

Mechanical Properties

Tensile strength,
ksi [MPa]
Yield strength,
min, ksi [MPa]
Elongation in 2 in.
[50 mm], min, %A
Reduction of area,
min, %
Note A: When ICI test bars are used in tensile testing as provided for in this specification, the gage length to reduced section diameter ratio shall be 4:1.
Note B: For low ferrite or nonmagnetic castings of this grade, the following values shall apply: tensile strength, min, 65 ksi [450 MPa]; yield point, min, 28 ksi [195 MPa].