ASTM A426 / A426M
This specification covers centrifugally cast alloy steel pipe
intended for use in high-temperature, high-pressure service. Several
grades of ferritic steels are covered. Supplementary Requirements S1
through S12 are provided. The supplementary requirements provide for
additional tests of an optional nature and when desired shall be so
stated in the order
Chemical Properties
Grade |
UNS Number |
Carbon |
Manganese |
Phosphorus, max |
Sulfur, max |
Silicon |
Chromium |
Molybdenum |
Note A: Where ellipses appear in this table, there is no requirement.
Mechanical Properties
Grade |
Tensile strength, min |
Yield strength, min |
Elongation , min %A |
Reduction of area, min |
Hardness |
Note A: Elongation in 2 in. [50 mm] using a standard round specimen, in
either the transverse or longitudinal direction.